

A Radioactive Debate

Smriti Daniel

What the struggle in a Tamil Nadu village says about the other side of development

Body Guides

An entire generation of girls now define themselves by how active (or not) they are sexually

Love in the Time of Decay

In each of these stories, unlovely descriptions of ageing bodies become an acceptance of mortality

The Price of Authorpreneurship

When publishing muffles authors, stifles creativity and makes the market king. A publisher’s dissenting note

Dalit Literature: Written in the Margins

What the power and poignancy of Dalit literature say about an unequal India

An Object of Derision

Tavleen Singh in her new book should have allowed a bit of sunlight between perception and reality

Karan Mahajan: Explosive Imagination

There is a certain smartness to this Delhi-raised writer’s work that has made him the toast in literary circles.

KR Meera: Rebel with a Pause

She reveals the gendered ideologies imprisoning her characters, constructing a feminist model of dominant literature

Madhav Khosla: By the Book

Among India's youngest public intellectuals, he has made the Constitution of India user-friendly and accessible

Srinath Raghavan: War of Words

In his new book, the historian shows how modern South Asia remains a product of the World War II


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