

Kashmir: The Price of Soft Secessionism

Rahul Pandita

The current political experiment in the Valley has failed badly

Modi and the Monk

Empowerment is refinement, especially when the mandate is as big as UP...

Yogi Adityanath: The Chosen One

Why Modi wanted the Mahant as Chief Minister

The Journey of Yogi Adityanath: The Kinetic Sanyasi

From timid villager to Hindutva’s warrior monk. The journey of Yogi Adityanath

Yogi Adityanath: Uses of the Ascetic

A volatile moment in the evolution of BJP

Gorakhpur and the Ghost of Gangadhar Adhikari

Whether liberals like it or not, the story of Hindu consolidation is not over yet

Narendra Modi: The Nation Builder

Modi and the making of a new India

More to Moditva

The aggrieved, the aspirational, the awed and the austere. The anatomy of a history-shifting verdict


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