

Genes and Hangovers


A person’s DNA accounts for almost half the chance of getting a headache after a booze binge

Neanderthals Walked Among Us

This ancient human species co-existed with modern humans for nearly 5,400 years

Snap Judgement

How we judge others in a fraction of a second

Hormones and Harmony

Humanity’s igreat leap was brought on by a decrease in testosterone levels

Jealousy and Evolution

Dogs can feel jealousy, and like anger and fear, it might even serve an evolutionary purpose

Natural selection

The evolutionary benefits of friendship

Nature and Nurture

Genes play as important a role in a child’s learning as environmental factors

The evolution of feathers

Plumage did not emerge to help birds fly, but to either attract mates or stay warm

Do we have free will?

What we do may not really be our own doing


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