Scientists in Switzerland have embarked on an ambitious plan to reverse engineer the human brain, molecule by molecule
The red veins on this petunia are human. This transgenic plant has been created by fusing proteins from both a plant and from artist Eduardo Kac
The tiny zebrafish has already revealed the secret of human colouring, and is unveiling information on cancer and heart disease
Cocker Spaniels, that innocent-looking breed, may be one of the world’s most aggressive dogs
Ninety years ago, observations made during a total solar eclipse overturned our view of the world
If we have free will then so do the most basic constituents of matter. We do not live in a clockwork universe where everything is determined
Women, far more than men, can sniff out male body odour. Their sense of smell may be attuned to detecting genetic incompatibility
We sleep not to remember. So much accumulates in the mind during the day, it is necessary to weaken neuronal connections at night