

Dominance and Marriage


A partnership based on equality is less effective than one that has a dominant partner

Yelp If It Hurts

Screaming interferes with pain messages travelling to the brain, enabling us to tolerate more of it

Dozing to Remember

Memory neurons put us to sleep so we can convert short term memories into long term ones

The Cold Contagion

Humans can feel chilly just by seeing someone else experience it

Hearty Optimists

Cheerful people are twice as likely to be in ideal cardiovascular health compared to their pessimistic peers

The Cancer Lottery

Most tumours are not caused by lifestyle habits or faulty genes, but plain bad luck

The Mystery of the Avian Beak

How the modern bird lost all its teeth

Alcohol and Evolution

Our primate ancestors developed an ability to consume alcohol 10 million years ago

The Homosexuality Effect

A study claims that gay social behaviour helps form bonds with others of the same gender

Are Men Better Navigators?

Yes, according to a study that takes an evolutionary perspective


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