

The Ageing Conundrum


Some people can age three years in a single year

Porn Is Not Addictive

The brain activity of so-called ‘porn addicts’ is the opposite of cocaine and gambling addicts

Why Men Outnumber Women in Maths

Males are not more skilled, they just overestimate their arithmetic prowess

Chimps like their tipple

A study throws light on the evolution of drinking alcohol

Check your attitude

Cynics earn less than their more cheerful counterparts

HP Omen

A notebook that offers custom tuned sound for a great gaming experience

Murder most old

A homicide dating back 430,000 years hints at the funerary practices of early man

That heady feeling

Why falling in love and getting drunk often feels the same

Depression and Bipolar Disorder

These two psychiatric conditions may not be as distinct as once thought

The Point of Power Dressing

Formal attire could alter the way one’s brain works


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