One hundred years of Indian cinema’s first master
Cover Stories
Ray is forever because he validated higher culture
Are Asia and Africa to carry the white man’s historical burden again?
The need is to identify industries that can diversify their product lines for goods necessary in an emergency
What is the point in making ages 18 to 44 eligible for vaccines without new supply?
The Academy resists correctness and honours a genius
Self-reliance does not preclude seeking or offering help
Studying Vedic mathematics and astrology
The optics of America’s pullout from an unwinnable war in Afghanistan
My encounters with Manikda
But you could always trust Satyajit Ray to say what he meant. His opinions were sharp, to the point
Satyajit Ray never touched alcohol, and listened to a sonata by Beethoven on his turntable gramophone at breakfast. What else could possibly be required for the biodata of a Calcutta god?