

Delicious Diversity

Shylashri Shankar captures the Indian culinary identity in all its complexity and multiplicity

Wild at Heart

Stephen Alter reimagines Mowgli

Fittest of Them All

Can evolutionary biology explain conflict between countries?

Arvind Krishna Mehrotra: Words Of A Vanished World

Arvind Krishna Mehrotra tells Nandini Nair about India’s changing relationship with English and the essays that will last and those that will not

Woman to the Rescue

A modern retelling of an epic search for immortality

Bruce Wannell: Ode to an Orientalist

William Dalrymple celebrates the wisdom and spirit of his friend—Bruce Wannell—a linguist and musician, translator and teacher

Giving and Growing

Azim Premji is a philanthropist at heart and a businessman by choice

The Questioning Self

The form of autobiography has long been Barack Obama’s way of explaining his way in the world

On Her Own Terms

An autobiography of lived freedoms

Mum Is the Word

An extraordinary novel on toxic relationships in a family


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