

The Enigma of Evil

This realistic portrait of post-traumatic madness is a moral fable as well

The Big Small Book

A deft reminder of how quiet lives lived in quiet pockets can reveal the human condition

Shakespeare: My Master’s Voice

I went to Shakespeare’s burial place in Stratford when we had gone with Hamlet for a three-week tour to the UK. I said a little prayer. I don’t believe in god or religion, I asked for something which is now between me and him

James Shapiro: World’s a Stage

The most imaginative reinterpretations of the Bard are being seen in Asia, says the foremost Shakespeare scholar James Shapiro

Macbeth: Out, Out, Brief Candle!

Macbeth is the drama of ambition rising from the ash of ethics. We live today in a different age from Macbeth and the king he betrayed and assassinated

Shakespeare: The Play’s the Thing

He understands the personal better than a shrink and the political better than a pundit. He explains it all better than a sage. An Open celebration of the world’s greatest storyteller

Waswo X Waswo and R Vijay: The Miniaturists

The American photographer Waswo X Waswo and Rajasthani artist R Vijay have created acclaimed miniature paintings that bend genres and are as exquisite as they are contemporary

Ebrahim Alkazi: The Idealist

Ebrahim Alkazi’s lifelong project was to burst the seemingly exclusive bubble in which the appreciation of art and theatre appeared to take place


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