

Gary Shteyngart: ‘I love characters in decline’

The new novel by Gary Shteyngart's Lake Success is more ouch-funny than ha-ha funny

Modi and the World

The author in his haste is too blinded by the negatives to see the achievements

Survival Guide

Raghavan Jagannathan argues for a new deal

Guns Versus Butter

The world of rebel violence is better understood through data and empirical studies than ideological concerns

Magical Realism

The wonder that is India

The Plot Thickens

Mario Vargas Llosa’s new novel has his trademark cliffhangers

Queen of the World

The female power of the Mughal Empire

Anita Desai: Insider Outsider

The Mexico of Anita Desai has an Indian core that remains resonant to this day

Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi: ‘To be truly adult is to be child-like’

Siddharth Dhanvant Shanghvi has written a fable of arranged marriages and spiritual quests

Deborah Baker: Portraits of Passion

The lives of poets and explorers in the twilight of the Raj


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