

The Cult of Hanuman

Political masculinity gets a divine mascot

Much Ado About Mumbai

With the Shiv Sena wooing outsiders, the Congress banking on film stars and the BJP determined to repeat its best showing ever, it is maximum politics in the Maximum City

Back to Ballari

Can the BJP win back its stronghold in northern Karnataka from a crusader against corruption?

Amit Shah: ‘Nationalism should be the main issue in every election’

Between flights to multiple states, rallies, roadshows and relentless phone calls, Amit Shah tells PR Ramesh why the BJP will return to power in Delhi

No Full Stops for Amit Shah

Up in the air playing with numbers in the privacy of a chartered flight or among the swelling legion of followers on the ground, Amit Shah has only one mission in life: Modi in power. On the campaign trail with the tireless BJP president

Chandrababu Naidu: ‘I am not an aspirant for any post’

When Deve Gowda called Naidu the prime minister before saying ‘would-be prime minister’

The Advani Problem

Copterism | The name of the rose | The couple deal

Demography is Destiny

In Assam, reports Siddharth Singh, it’s a contest between river and religion

Follow the Script

Keeping Karunanidhi’s literary legacy alive in the arena


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