

Fire and Ire

As Smriti Irani storms the pocket borough of the Gandhis, Amita Shah catches up with the fiery challenger of Amethi

Electoral Intelligence

The use of technology, ranging from big data to crunch voter information to predictive modelling about margins of victory, has changed elections in India too

In Thrall to Our Man of Deliverance

The many variations of the idea of Narendra Modi as seen from the ghats of Varanasi

Modi’s Point Person

Old Guard Math | Unseen Together | Rajya Sabha Runaround | Family Agony | Campaign Capsule | Biding Her Time | Common Ground

General Election 2019: Quote Hanger

If you rub a cow’s back towards the front, your blood pressure will be maintained, says Sadhvi Pragya

Inside the Mind of the Indian Muslim Voter

India’s largest minority community is gripped by fear and anxiety

Sisters Lose

The family bias in Indian politics

On the Fake News Trail

The Show Must Go On | Prison Break | Enemy of My Enemy | Tears for Votes | Surprise First Visitor | A Paramilitary Question

General Election 2019: Quote Hanger

I knew in 17 days the colour of that person’s underwear was khaki – Azam Khan


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