

Honey, They Shrunk the Money

Can you trust your financial advisor? Will Sebi’s new regulations make it any easier?

17 Years of Solitude

The psychological abyss that the Suryanelli rape victim and her family have been living in because she dared name PJ Kurien

Top 10 Emotive Issues

Narendra Modi leads Rahul Gandhi by 7 percentage points among male voters and lags him by 5 percentage points among female voters on emotive issues.

Top 10 Governance Issues

Narendra Modi leads Rahul Gandhi by 20 percentage points among male voters and by 3 percentage points among female voters on issues of governance.

Where Their Support Comes From

What Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi score in an Open/C-Voter survey among voters based on gender, age, social grouping, zone or region, income groups and education groups

Modi vs Rahul

An Open/C-Voter survey compares popular perceptions of Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi

Target of the State

On a chance meeting with Afzal Guru in Tihar

The Question of Reasonable Doubt

The guilt of Afzal Guru was not as evident as the State would have you think. And his dubious execution may not be the last such case

Kashmir Too Owes ‘India’ an Answer

Even if Afzal Guru were not hanged, Kashmir’s integration with India would have remained patchy at best

From Hinduism to Hindutva at the Kumbh

Like 1989, the VHP has used the occasion to rouse communal sentiment, which the BJP hopes will work to its advantage in Uttar Pradesh


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