

Confessions of an Amateur Cook

Experiments in the kitchen while reading Michael Pollan’s Cooked

Royal Absurdity

The former rulers of Lakshadweep want their kingdom back…or at least a modest raise in their royalty pension

Cry Rape

Are false accusations of rape common in India? Do the accused get a fair chance to defend themselves?

Living Among the Dead

The story of five orphans forced to stay in a graveyard after their parents died of AIDS

What Middle East Volatility Might Mean

The US is about to impose new sanctions on Iran, which could mean oil anxiety is back

‘Military protocol was overtaken by civilian hysteria’

A decorated infantry commander who has served on the Line of Control, speaks to Open on the politics and hysteria over dead Indian soldiers

The Miseducation of Jharkhand’s Children

Imparted in a language they scarcely understand, the education seems designed to leave them unread

The Divide and the Design

The violence in Kishtwar bears the signs of an orchestrated plan to create a Kashmir Valley-like situation in this part of Jammu

Before the Bend in the River

Vignettes from the village of Parli in Palakkad, Kerala

‘I feel like a stranger in a strange city’

Khar, now an affluent enclave of the city, was once a small suburb, dotted with bungalows and modest buildings.


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