

Evangelists of Logic

The killing of Dr Narendra Dabholkar does not deter Indians fighting for the supremacy of reason. Here is why

Is There a Plan?

India’s economy is in crisis and there exist ways to address it. But it looks as if little will happen until a new government takes office

Nation Building Leaves Out Tribals

An interview with National Advisory Council member Virginus Xaxa, recently appointed head of a committee on the state of India’s tribes

The Imperative of Economic Expansion

The ongoing crisis of the economy demands clarity and not howls and shrieks

“The Cherry-Picking Has to Stop”

Rape is not an exotic crime, but an extension of the oppression that women bear daily. The media must take it seriously

The Illusion of Immunity

What makes rapists feel they can get away with it?

Digitisation and Dumbing Down

Why the Indian broadcast news industry is staring at an abyss

Who Cares about the Temple?

An Open/C-Voter opinion poll finds that an overwhelming majority of the BJP’s support base will foreground issues of governance and development during the 2014 Lok Sabha election

Back to Rama for Rajya

The return of the party’s Ayodhya agenda

It’s Raining Rats

A killer disease returns to Mumbai


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