

Telangana: Rights Reserved

V Shoba

Has the largest tribe in Telangana turned against TRS?

Wild Lives

A personal portrait of tribal sensitivity

Dissent in the Desert

The irony of Jamal Khashoggi’s dissent doesn’t minimise the tribal brutalism of the Kingdom

Mahua: Flower Power

Mahua, a humble tipple of the adivasis, finds its space under the liquor marketing sun

Struggle for the Soil

The Adivasis of northern Telangana raise a rallying cry for land and livelihood rights

The Day of the Goddesses

Telangana hosts India’s biggest carnival of tribal counterculture. Open chronicles the faith and frenzy on the river Godavari

The Ban That Must Not Be

The Adivasi Will Not Dance tells of a Santhal worldview that is all too often ignored

Santali: Talking Time

Two tribal villages in Bengal revive the Santali language

The Marginal Man

The memoir of a Gond artist brings out the cultural perversions of progress


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