

Doses of Hope

Pavan Srinath

The progress made on Covid vaccines in ten months looks like a mad dash for protection against the virus, but the development of vaccines remains a marathon

Doctors Jumping Borders

With the disruption in corporate hospitals, underpaid medical professionals and neighbourhood nursing homes are stepping into the breach

Positive about Covid

Why a certain kind of people want to infect themselves for the greater good

Rich and Powerful Lives Matter

On gaming the system using compassionate grounds to get access to rare Covid treatments

The Doctor Zooms In

Don’t shy away from video consultation

Useful Quackery

On the promotion of homoeopathy drugs by the government during Covid-19

Remdesivir Trials in Chicago for COVID Treatment Raise Hopes

Though not sold in India, the country can avail of the antiviral drug via WHO’s ‘Solidarity’ programme

Kerala Looks to Buy Cuban ‘Wonder Drug’ Interferon

Also gets ICMR nod for plasma trial, tests to check community spread, lung infections

Blood Plasma Treatment for Covid-19 Ready: Kerala Doctors

Awaiting approval from ICMR; may also get Cuban wonder drug Interferon

‘The number of tests conducted so far is too low’

This isn't the time to promote belief over evidence, says former health secretary Sujatha Rao


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