

A Woman in a Story

Shashi Deshpande

When Marathi actress Vandana Mishra bids farewell to high heels in a different kind of Bombay

OV Vijayan: Return to Khasak

The masterpiece of OV Vijayan gets an innovative stage adaptation

Urmila Pawar: Voice of the Voiceless

Her autobiography, Aaidan, or The Weave of My Life: A Dalit Woman’s Memoirs, is a profound inspiration

Ebrahim Alkazi: The Idealist

Ebrahim Alkazi’s lifelong project was to burst the seemingly exclusive bubble in which the appreciation of art and theatre appeared to take place

Mohit Takalkar: The Minimal Master

Neither commercial nor experimental, Mohit Takalkar has developed his own stage idiom. And now it’s winning awards

Manav Kaul: An Actor in Search of a Character

At home in films and theatre, Manav Kaul shuttles between the art house and the mainstream

The Verdict

Turning the courtroom genre on its head, Chaitanya Tamhane’s debut film Court is drama in slow realism

Power of Two

Naseeruddin Shah and Ratna Pathak Shah on three decades of togetherness and the creative dynamics of a partnership that tells the story of acting in India

Echo of a Battle Cry

Eve Ensler’s new play Emotional Creature calls on women to reclaim their emotions, but lacks the power of her classic Vagina Monologues

Sharp, Blunt and Interactive

Acquiring a taste for theatre at the International Theatre Festival of Kerala


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