
Tamil Nadu

M Karunanidhi (1924-2018): End of an Epic


He scripted the most enduring show of Dravidian politics

Karunanidhi (1924-2018)

Kalaignar lived the life of a calculating adventurer

Modi’s South Side Story

Karnataka could be the beginning of a new argument that breaches the last resistance of the Vindhyas

Human Evolution: Written in Stone

A new finding in South India poses some tantalising questions on human evolution

Back to the Scorched Earth

A group of Tamil farmers made national headlines one year ago by kicking off a series of absurd protests in Delhi. V Shoba meets key characters from the landmark agitation who are back in their villages battling an unending farm crisis

The Saint and the Sinner

Recent protests in Tamil Nadu against a lyricist’s ‘belittlement’ of the mystic poet Andal do little justice to the spirit of her verses

Jallikattu: A Red Rag to a Bull

A year after unprecedented protests over banning jallikattu that pitted cultural traditionalists against animal rights activists, the rural sport has become a youthful rebellion

Ida Scudder Lived Here

It began 100 years ago out of one woman’s kindness. V Shoba chronicles the evolution of the Christian Medical College in Vellore into a unique institution that combines charity, teaching and medical service

Lost in the South

Charles Allen’s south Indian journey misses many historical moments


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