
Tamil Nadu

When Cows Come Home to Die

V Shoba

Some of the worst casualties of the drought in south India are its cattle

On a Level-Playing Stage

When art repudiates caste and class

Animal Instincts Go National

The many dimensions of the taming of bulls

J Jayalalithaa (1948-2016): The Ideal and the Icon

In Jaya’s Tamil Nadu, history and biography became one

J Jayalalithaa (1948-2016): The Last Mother

Always a winner. Even in her death

O Panneerselvam: From Night Watchman to Captain

O Panneerselvam, famous for being loyal, emerges as Tamil Nadu’s chief minister

The Day Before

A pithy account of the Indian intervention in Sri Lanka that culminated in tragedy

Amma is Not Well

A veil of mystery and panic descends over Tamil Nadu following speculation over Jayalalithaa’s health

Bitter Harvest

The politics of water has added to the woes of rural Karnataka’s suicide capital

The Lady Vanquishes

Liberating Jayalalithaa from the image trap


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