

The Politics of Desire

Palash Krishna Mehrotra

A seductive narrative of sex and religion

Sex and the TV

Why streaming services in India will not be able to escape the censorship net

The Seven Day Rule

A new study reveals a close correlation between happiness and having sex at least once a week

Sex and Happiness

More sex does not necessarily spell more happiness. It can make people feel worse

Political Islam is afraid of sex, says Hanif Kureishi

Talking about women's writing and talking about sex may soon be passé, two of today’s sessions suggest

Long on Sleaze, Short on Duty

The lives of many policemen in Mumbai are riddled with sex, lies and scandals

In Search of the Perfect Condom

Scientists in Kerala are trying to produce a condom made of graphene that will increase the pleasure and protection quotient manifold

What a Come Down

R.I.P. The female condom

Why Fatherhood Means Less Sex

A new study finds that becoming a dad lowers one’s testosterone level

Learning Not to Settle

Sometimes, to kick someone out of your life, it takes an unforgiveable transgression


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