
Narendra Modi

The Awakening

Swapan Dasgupta

While the terms of Left engagement have changed dramatically in the West, a new Hindu overconfidence has displaced old liberal assumptions in India

Open Decade (2009-2019): Editor’s Note

The rustle of our pages came from a fast evolving society’s political and cultural churn. We never wanted the argument to stop; we held a perceiving mirror up to it


Mahua Moitra's speech and Sandeep Bhushan’s book

The Power of the Familiar

The central message of the Budget is unspectacular but very important.

Populist? No

Don’t underestimate an understatement

Modi Versus Them

The Aesthetics of power

Modi and the Other Idea of India

The mistake of conflating Hindutva 2.0 with the Sangh ideology

The Doughty Dozen

The bureaucrats entrusted with implementing Vision Modi

Goodbye to Paper

Foreign Interest | Nitish’s Dilemma | Kashmir Hardline | No Ball | Article 355, not 356

BJP’s Dharmic Duty

The other side of Integral Humanism


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