
Narendra Modi

An Ashram with a View

Jayanta Ghosal

According to the whispers Modi would at some point like to renounce all power and move to an ashram in the Himalayas

A Tale of Three Leaders

Trump, Johnson, Modi and the politics of change

2020 Is Not 1962

And China will realise why the hard way if it chooses the military option against India

The Writing Bug

Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi’s Cyber Supari is based on organised crime in the digital realm

Happy Birthday, Mr Prime Minister

The seclusion of a great leader is the inevitable outcome of the sensitivity of his office

Prime Beard

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will turn 70 on September 17

Dhaka Central

South Asian stability depends on a stable relationship between India and Bangladesh

Enter the Unregistered Opposition

As the Congress vacates the space of an active opposition with a counter-argument, civil society activists and other professional dissenters rush in to fill the vacuum

I, the Hindu

A religion regains its pride


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