The movie positions itself in popular culture as advocating the freedom of a woman
Patriot’s Day is the unexceptional Hollywood film that is brought out every now and then to broach the subject of patriotism
You can safely conclude that you have watched yet another mindless action movie
What we are given in this film is a generalized and sweeping historical background, embellished with lavishly mounted period sets
To set a film almost entirely in the claustrophobic confines of a war machine, and to keep your attention fixed on it, needs high quality writing
Replacing Arshad Warsi, who played the lead role earlier, was a marketing decisions to widen the viewership base of the film
Kaabil is easily the most disappointing film in recent times, at least amongst movies with a major star in the lead role
What we have in Wajah Tum Ho is a badly executed movie, stuffed with cliches and hackneyed scenes