

Eka Kurniawan: A Terrible Beauty Is Born

Nandini Nair

The rising star of Indonesian fiction, Eka Kurniawan spins a tale that is as bloody as it is brilliant. He has a message for the world—the truth always exposes itself. The magical realist in conversation with Open

Macbeth: Out, Out, Brief Candle!

Macbeth is the drama of ambition rising from the ash of ethics. We live today in a different age from Macbeth and the king he betrayed and assassinated

Memory Is a Dark Hole

A haunting mystery set in East Europe and an anodyne addition to Scandinavian noir

The Legend of Sharmila

And the dynamics of Manipur

The Poet and the Pause

Jeet Thayil’s collected poems chart the evolution of a man and his art in all its splendidness

Lost in the City

The sequel to Shantaram is irredeemably caught between pulp and literary

Let There Not Be Light

The dark formalism and plaintive elegance of Vikram Seth’s poetry

Falling Leaves

Can tea survive coffee in India?

Slapdash Sexuality

A thoughtless potboiler of a novel that doesn’t ask moral questions of its characters

To Break an Absurd Record

Two friends take a leap of faith in this fictionalised memoir


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