

The Race to the Final Date

Ranjit Lal

Two delightful perspectives on delaying the inevitable

Suketu Mehta: City Slicker

The chronicler of metropolises returns to fiction to tell the story of memory and displacement

Lost in Style

Deploying metafiction at the cost of emotional poignancy

Deep Within

These stories reveal the fragility of the mind and the capacity of the heart

A Writer Lifts His Block

On the return of Perumal Murugan

Laugh Out Loud, Ladies

Patriarchy and the violence against happiness

Namvar Singh: What Will Marx Think?

The ideological paranoia of fellow travellers mars a literary doyen’s birthday party

Cryo-Nirvana with Don DeLillo

Life, love, death and immortality in Zero K

The Marginal Man

The memoir of a Gond artist brings out the cultural perversions of progress

Life Is Nowhere

The last of Tahmima Anam’s Bengal trilogy compresses the domestic and the global into an evocative narrative


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