

Behemoths at the Gate

Vivek Menon

Our big intelligent social nomads and their right to safe passage

Can the Indian Left Reinvent Itself?

Communists face a do-or-die battle for survival

MBIFL18: Life and Letters

A literary festival on the palace grounds gives Thiruvananthapuram a new cultural elan

The Undying of the Light

On the remarkable deaths of two folk artistes while performing in Kerala

Cardinal Error in Kerala

A land scam puts the head of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, India’s largest and oldest, in a bad spot. How long can he resist a fall from grace?

Lost in the South

Charles Allen’s south Indian journey misses many historical moments

Parvathy: Girl Power

Parvathy, the winner of the Silver Peacock in Goa, is an actor with a social conscience who won’t let trolls silence her

I Defied the Couch

There comes a moment in an actor’s life when she has to make a choice: give in or stand up to power. Divya Unny tells her story

A Home-Grown Page

Remembering an eclectic mind of allusive style

The Truth about Love Jihad

The dangers of conversion by other means


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