


Ajit Duara

As a Muslim ready to sacrifice self and community, Saif is excellent. But is the film too convincing for comfort?

Leap of Faith

To look to Islam for answers to why Pakistan’s dispossessed, brainwashed militants are carrying on in the name of religion is to fall for the greatest red herring of this age.

Tank Tops in the Islamic World

Istanbul and the deceit of female modernity

We Are What You Are

Being Muslim means something to others. It is also much more than stifling labels

Inconvenient Martyr

That a headscarf can cost someone her life is disturbing enough. That the world media looked the other way is worse

Burkha Rapper

Sofie Ashraf is an artiste of her times, a creative force informed by the post 9/11 world, a daring new voice like none other

The Burkha Rapper

“I work within the rules, but I find the little loopholes that allow me to do my own thing.” —Sofie Ashraf, 21

Giving Kasab a Chance

We are looking for a way to kill Ajmal Kasab. And we will find one soon. But the case for keeping him alive is equally strong

Hang Their Memories

Our contempt is the only thing the terrorists deserve.

Under Pressure

Up against an ongoing climate of suspicion, the American Muslim community takes control of its story—seven and a half years after 9/11


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