

Masih Alinejad: ‘What made me different was that I took action’

Shikha Kumar

Iranian activist-journalist Masih Alinejad reveals the importance of saying no to repressive regimes in her memoir

Blowing in the Wind

India gets caught in Trump’s trade war—and there’s a price to pay

Arabian Knights and Nightmare

The purge in Riyadh and the deepening Cold War between Saudi Arabia and Iran

Elsewhere in History

A Bangladeshi writer discovers the East

Chabahar And the Great Game

The geopolitical significance of the India-Iran deal

Yemen crisis

The current conflict is also seen as part of a regional power struggle between Shia-ruled Iran and Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia

Peace Prospects and Energy Security

The US-Iran deal may open the way at last for the Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline

What Middle East Volatility Might Mean

The US is about to impose new sanctions on Iran, which could mean oil anxiety is back

America’s New Iran Strategy

The goal of America’s latest sanctions is to reduce Iran’s export earnings drastically while shielding the global economy from oil price spikes

Doomsday Scenario

What makes Iran important for global crude oil markets is its geo-strategic location, not its volume of exports


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