
Indian society

The End of Emotionalism

MJ Akbar

Development is the only alternative

‘Worried Well’

It seems to suggest that someone has been a good worrier

Great Mismatched Expectations

In a country where the wedding services industry is worth over $56 billion, one cannot ignore the lure of arranged marriages

The Other Story From Kashmir

A new spirit of entrepreneurship sprouts across the Valley

Father and Son

A searing look at generational conflict and conservatism

Bikes and Vitamins

Our changed lives at the peak of the pandemic

Unfair and Less Lovely

The association of fair skin with beauty is ingrained in Indian society for thousands of years. People want what they want

Our Lives Matter

Efforts to instigate social conflicts have failed because of the resolve of Indian society to uphold inclusiveness

The Future is Now

Samit Basu’s dystopian novel cleverly blurs the line between fact and fiction


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