
Indian society

Is Democracy a Vaccine?

MJ Akbar

Covid and the poligarchy of India

Don’t You Vote at 18?

The irrationality of raising the minimum age of marriage for women to 21

Editor’s Note

It was a year that made us wiser—and modest

The Culture of Caste

The sociology of violence in popular cinema

The Adoption that Shook Kerala

Kerala may have advanced on social parameters, but it so appears that at times, especially when it comes to extreme misogyny and moral hypocrisy, centuries tend to coexist

Jai Bhim has been brewing in my mind for 15 years: Director Gnanavel

Torture scenes in the movie are nothing compared with reality, says the 40-year-old former journalist

The Diplomat Does It

Investigative short stories with a philosophical undertone

Amitava Kumar: Seeking Truth Between the Lines

Amitava Kumar’s latest novel challenges fake news and the form of the novel. The author in conversation with Antara Raghavan


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