The window Spike Lee opens in Da 5 Bloods gives America a vantage point to view the burning streets from a culturally correct angle
A city caught between the heretical seductions of modernity and the atavistic lures of medievalism
The Deoliwallahs reminds us that the journey from citizen to foreigner is a short one
America was the New Jerusalem. It is still the Promised Land. That is not a complete picture but it is how the America we know began. From Henry James’ wilderness with ‘nothing’ in it, the US quickly grew to lead the world, economically, militarily and intellectually. A big country, a lot of things have happened in its brief timeline, and everything has mattered. Below is a list of 10 books, fiction and non-fiction, that span most of the country’s history as the ‘United’ States of America and explain how it was made—and continues to be remade
It is hard not to think that India would have been a very different country under Dara Shukoh