

What’s Past is Prologue

Shashi Tharoor

Listen to the whispers of history and be warned

The Tragedy of a Few Good Men

Malcolm Gladwell’s new book examines one of the great moral challenges of World War II and the price of different actions

The Amritsar Massacre

An account of the carnage that shook the country in 1919, and wounded its consciousness

The Imperfect Queen

Jindan Kaur’s volatile relationship with the world

Pandemic Reflections

Vinay Lal gives historical context to our collective and individual responses to Covid

The Evolution of BJP

A historical insight into the Vajpayee-Advani jugalbandi

Tenets of Trauma

Narrative treatments of three 20th century catastrophes

Convenient Histories

Pandemic or not, the past is prologue

Fittest of Them All

Can evolutionary biology explain conflict between countries?

History without Humility

Intellectuals and the Indian past


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