

The Root Cause II

Minhaz Merchant

Hindus are a safe target for stand-up comedians

The Root Cause

The tap of Hindu anger has burst open

Bhakti as Resistance

The aesthetics of Indian politics VIII

Holy Water

From being gateways to gods to cleansing of sins, it has played a central role in religion and culture

A Mask for God

Yogi Adityanath got into an unexpected controversy when he offered a new mask to a deity

‘In the mortuary everyone becomes the same; there is no Hindu or Muslim’

As toll in the violence comes close to 50, evidence from the ground makes it clear that the police failed both communities

The Faultlines in Delhi

Constantly distrusting Indian Muslims, branding them as anti-nationals, is not a good idea

The Discrimination

The Citizenship Amendment Bill, which excludes only Muslims, is an affront to the idea of India

A Coat of Many Colours

The contribution of Hindus to the arts and crafts of Sindh before Partition

Kavita Puri: Breaking the Silence

Kavita Puri chronicles the lives of migrants caught in double displacement


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