

Kerala: Devil’s Own Country

Shahina KK

The Kerala government wants to stop the state’s obsession with the occult with a law against superstition. Can black magic be contained?

A National Manifesto

Why a bipartisan consensus is possible and necessary

The Second Opinion Market

The business of online medical consultation is taking off in India

Beyond Band-Aids

Why India’s medical system needs urgent reform

Super Bullish on Healthcare

As investors fight over Fortis, doctors worry about reckless enrollment

National Therapy

The promise and pitfalls of keeping India hale and hearty

Healing the Divide

The third edition of Difficult Dialogues highlighted the ways gender equality can be achieved. In an exclusive interview Dr David Osrin tells Nandini Nair why violence against women is a public health issue

Beware the New Malignancy

Fraudulent advertising and patient gullibility can be a deadly combination


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