

The rogue godman of Hisar

Kumar Anshuman

The high voltage drama at Barwala town ended with Rampal’s arrest and crowds of dismayed followers


The second referendum on Modi propels reforms

The Constant Campaigner

For Narendra Modi, power is a permanent struggle

Shock therapy in Hinterland

One more state breaks out of traditional political loyalties and joins the BJP empire

The Permanent Campaigner

Modi on the stump Part Two makes the elections in Maharashtra and Haryana a referendum on the Prime Minister

The Queen of Khap

Sudesh Choudhary has broken a tradition spanning more than six centuries. Do men still set the limits of her power?

Khap of Good Hope

In Haryana, a 70-year-old Sarpanch changes a centuries old tradition by permitting intercaste and intra-khap marriages

Is it a Wave or a Whirl?

In the hinterland of Haryana, it’s a mix of caste and cult

Waiting for Deliverance

What families in Haryana will do to have a son. A witness’ account

Why Is Hooda Afraid of the CBI?

And why his state Congress government is trying every crooked trick in the book to stall a CBI inquiry into charges of largescale corruption brought to light by a whistleblower forest officer


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