

History After Covid-19

Pratap Bhanu Mehta

The making of a new global order

Life in the Time of Coronavirus

Being optimistic in a world that we know will never be the same again

Aspects of Viralism

The globalisation of fear in the wake of coronavirus

A Playbook for the 2020s

Globalisation has created a rift but a more networked world can heal it in the new decade

The Backstory of our Anxieties

We are still living in the changes authored by the years 1979 and 1989

The Asian Dream

Deepak Nayyar’s masterly deconstruction of a continent’s growth story

Maya Jasanoff: The World Is What It Was

Maya Jasanoff uses Joseph Conrad as a guide to globalisation in the modern world. The historian in conversation with Nandini Nair

Hope Against Hope

Life stories of young Indians offer insights into how eagerly they want to join the globalised world

Kamila Shamsie: The Migrant as a Metaphor

A new novel by Kamila Shamsie explores the process of belonging

The Arc of Optimism

Two books that show the danger of making extreme, and often ideological, assumptions in economics



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