

Open Diary

Swapan Dasgupta

Football fever in Europe

Big Bear Hug

The pain and pleasure of hosting the greatest game on earth. A report from Moscow

The Last Animal Farm

India’s biggest project in cattle innovation comes to an end. So does a colonial legacy

Mumbai Notebook

The world's most liveable cities

Kejriwal as Fake News

Maybe it’s easier to identify a false messiah in a country that happens to have the world’s most popular outsider in power

The French Resolution

Europe may avoid a nervous breakdown as a neophyte globalist is likely to win the Elysee Palace in the final round. But how long can France resist the populist?

The Beauty of Disruption

Where East and West look hard and longingly at one another

The Return of Ideology

There's an ideological method in Trump's madness, and at its most fundamental level, it's all about what constitutes national identity


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