

Indian Wizards: The Game Changers

Aditya Sudarshan

The rise of a new tribe of Indian wizards

Lady Haha

Female comics are bringing the house down

Anil Kapoor: ‘I’m Glad I Never Became a Superstar’

Hindi cinema’s evergreen hero is having a sensational TV season

Lena Dunham: Angsty is Sexy

A fan letter to Lena Dunham

Mamata Kulkarni: A Siren in a Scandal

Mamata Kulkarni returns to make a cameo appearance in the real-life saga of a druglord

Around the world in 80 minutes

India’s avant-garde filmmakers recommend world cinema classics that shaped them

Ticket to Pollywood

Why mass entertainment is a perfect training ground for a career in politics

Wreck-It Ralph

If you loved playing games at video arcades, this film is for you

3 Idiots

A campy film about campus problems that is so much fun, it forgets the real issues it set out to critique.

Did You Say Poetry Is a Bore?

Maybe no more. It’s leaving its stuffy image behind as performance poets jump onto stage and get the crowd high on their rhythm


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