

The Spirit of Defiance

Nikhil Taneja

Alison Klayman on making a documentary on Ai Weiwei, an artist the Chinese government fears

The Biography of a Song

Spandan Banerjee’s National Award winning documentary traces the origins of a popular Bengali folk song and its strange journey across the world

The Call of the Camera

When Rajesh Jala made one documentary on the son of a militant and another on children who stole shrouds for a living, he didn’t expect the films to transform their lives, least of all his own

Red on Screen

An Indian filmmaker’s tribute to the Maoist movement gets commercially released across Nepal

“A jihad for the right to love who you want”

A Jihad For Love, a courageous documentary about homosexual Muslims, shot furtively by an Indian filmmaker, is sending shock waves around the globe.


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