

Bored Games in Times of Corona

Saurabh Singh

Hurrah! The local wine and beer shop is finally open...

Knives Out

Mysteries for pandemic times—from a virus which is the weapon of mass destruction to a US Congressional intern caught in political intrigue

Home Studio

With minimal budgets and ample creativity, filmmakers are creating series and shows while locked in

The Sudden Death of Restaurants: Table for None

Restaurants and hotels might not ever fully recover

The New Codes of Conduct

Living with the virus requires a complete overhaul of our individual and social habits

The Light at the End of the Lockdown

Delhi is waking up to a new reality in which the presence of others is at once thrilling and disconcerting

Mumbai: Breathless

With 10,000 cases and no sign of the curve flattening, Mumbai is struggling to win the battle against the pandemic

Kolkata: Memoirs of a Bruised City

What the ghosts whisper from the pandemic streets of Kolkata

The Return of Serfdom

On Karnataka forcibly making migrant labourers stay back by cutting off rail transport

Open-Plan Offices: The Future is Closed

A radical rehaul of the workplace is imminent


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