

The Middle Class Checks In

Haseeb Drabu

A new deal between the government and the people that makes every citizen a stakeholder in the economy

Shame on the Thames

Nurturing the British Muslim vote bank at the expense of vulnerable citizens

The Second-Majority Complex

Indian Muslims should focus on their potential as citizens

Open Diary

The Naxalbari anniversary and the role of non-citizens in UK elections

The Angry Fabulist

In Prayaag Akbar’s first novel, a mother’s search for her daughter becomes a searing argument against power. The writer in conversation with Bhavya Dore

Modi in the Age of Rage

The art of thriving in adversity

The Lokpal and You

A look at how differing proposals to fight corruption will actually work for the harried citizen

Census of India

The current census is expected to cost the Government Rs 2,009 crore.


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