

Mysterious Minds

Shylashri Shankar

How Arthur Conan Doyle found the perfect scientific detective

Akbar’s Ghost

Allan Sealy’s quest for adventure takes a new narrative turn

Indian Railways: Track Record

The evolution of one of the world’s largest transport systems is a study on India’s cultural history as well

Hari Kunzru: Cross Road Blues

Hari Kunzru, in his new novel, tells of a nation’s darkness through music

Ariel Levy: She Is Her Own Story

The author in conversation with Bhavya Dore

Amit Chaudhuri: Master of the Ellipsis

The author in conversation with Nandini Nair. Photos: Rohit Chawla

Between History and Memory

A master storyteller from the south crunches time in an unusual superstructure of a novel within a novel

A Collector’s Game

An intimate celebration of Indian sport by one of its keenest chroniclers

Islam and the Cult of Death

Jihadism and Terrorism in the age of the Islamic State

The New Jihadi: A Portrait

A French scholar says it is not the radicalisation of Islam but the Islamisation of radicalism. Is it so?


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