

The New Politics of Bengal

Swapan Dasgupta

It is good Utpal Dutt is now history

The Ganguli Mahabharata

Did the publisher enrich himself at the expense of the translator?

Soumitra Chatterjee: The Constant Actor

Soumitra Chatterjee became every character he played

Soumitra Chatterjee (1935-2020): Rays of Light

Satyajit Ray and Soumitra Chatterjee showed what it is to be a man in modern India

Soumitra Chatterjee (1935-2020): A Global Humanist

From his debut as an adult Apu, Soumitra Chatterjee taught generations of Bengalis, especially the men, how to be at home in the world

A Letter from Dhaka

Books, biryani and other delights of a charming city

Amitav Ghosh: The Real and the Uncanny

Amitav Ghosh’s new novel addresses the big issues of the day. The author tells Nandini Nair why we are all migrants

At Home

A  journey after the Bangladesh War

Bengali Exceptionalism

What’s it that makes the Bengalis Bengali?

In Search of the True Bengali

The persistence of an identity dispute


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