

The Eternity of Return

Mini Kapoor

The pleasures of rereading books

An Epic Challenge

The Mahabharata lives because of the questions it asks

The Mystery of Paneer’s Presence

What’s it doing among what Google says people searched the most in 2020?

Why Is the Giraffe’s Neck So Long?

The big and small questions of the natural world

The Education of a Prince

A king must delight his subjects but not violate his own dharma

The Limits of Behaviour Policing

The convoluted logic of BCCI asking Hardik Pandya to explain his thoughts at parties

Open Diary

Britain's Brexit travails

Hail the Humanities

The importance of a well-rounded education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Great Desi Boorist

Remember? How we scratched our names on Taj? Or was it Ajanta?


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