
Arun Jaitley

Navjot Singh Sidhu: A Bad Joke

Amita Shah

Sentenced by the court in a 1988 case of road rage and accused by colleagues of not being a team player, Navjot Singh Sidhu faces the biggest test of his career

Wrong Reasons

When Bishan Singh Bedi resigned to protest erection of Arun Jaitley’s statue

Like Father, Like Son

Rohan Jaitley, son of Arun Jaitley, has filed his nomination for the DDCA election

Politics without Arun Jaitley

I miss a dear friend who was also a teacher

‘Blessings Only’

Arun Jaitley's family was firm on not accepting anything by way of gifts

Ignorance Breeds Contempt

A perpetual pessimist questions the Modi Government's civic push

Deaths of BJP Leaders

Fate has been unkind to the BJP, snatching away in quick succession some of its most talented ministers

The Constant Counsellor

What made Arun Jaitley so special, and indeed indispensable, to the BJP and the Modi Government?

Suhel Seth: Jaitley Was the Most Principled Man I Knew

This country is poorer without him. He was the moral compass and the bridge to a saner world. That bridge has gone

A Conservative Rooted in the Present

His nationalism was not paranoid even as his position blended the Sangh’s cultural pride with the demands of modernity


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