
Akshay Kumar

Remix Redux

Rajeev Masand

English August | The Indiscreet Director

Kesari Movie Review

If historical nationalism is your thing, this movie is for you

Sara’s Wish

Lost Opportunity | Friend Gone, Fortune Gone

2.0 Movie Review

‘2.0’ is dystopian for the first half of its duration, and mind numbingly wearisome in its second

All in the Family

Bollywood Standard Time | The Reluctant Hero

Gold Movie Review

In some ways, ‘Gold’ seems to be part of the general information virus called ‘fake news’

A Case of Misguided Contempt

Politically Incorrect | The Party Ends for Ms Moneybags

R Balki: ‘This is a classic love story where the pad happens to be a reason’

R Balki brings menstrual health to the big screen. He tells how the film can educate the young

PadMan Movie Review

The altruistic fictional PadMan is a wonderful cinematic icon

New Cop on the Block

Release Date Trouble | Nepotism Again


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