

Chhatisgarhi Mobile Radio

A unique project involving a former journalist, MIT and Microsoft has given the state its own community radio via mobile phones.

Confessions of a Fashion Photographer

“A film star may not always look great or be in a good mood. It’s up to the photographer to use lighting, make-up to ensure the shot looks great.”

The Life of Cows

Two Swedes discover that the way we treat cows says a lot about our connection with animals and the environment.

Confessions of a Chartered Accountant

“The CA makes nameless, faceless people credit-worthy, and credit-worthy individuals go off the tax radar. It’s creatively satisfying, and I laugh all the way to the bank.”

A Grave Problem in Bangalore

An acute shortage of land for burial is forcing families to share graves.

Confessions of a Retouch Artist

“We eliminate skin defects, open closed eyes, fix dental abnormalities, remove tattoos, remove unwanted pounds from cheeks, neck, and jowls...”

Doctors on Call

How an idealistic couple is changing the lives of a tribal population in a rural outback of Tamil Nadu.

Confessions of a Mango Trader

“Mangoes need heat to ripen. That is why they are kept in hay. Calcium carbide generates heat, hastening the ripening process when the weather is not warm enough.”

Trotting into the Sunset with Dignity

In the heart of Gurgaon stands a sanctuary for ageing police and Army horses after their retirement.

Confessions of a Railway Reservation Clerk

“Every morning, we have to declare what the railways call ‘miscellaneous cash’ when we sit for duty, and empty out our pockets before logging out.”


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