In this association of engineers, software professionals and doctors, whistling is a group activity.
“I can make out the size the minute a customer walks in. Bras of sizes 32, 34 and 36 sell the most. Size 42 is the largest. Anything larger is made-to-order.”
“The call centre, where people call to book a cab, is useless. They can’t get addresses right. They turn Andheri East to Andheri West.”
Fashion students come to this school dropout to learn the art of making saris and shirts from aloe vera and banana.
“The seal of confession is one of our most sacred vows. Even if a murderer came in and confessed, the seal of confession can’t be broken.”
A large number of African-Indians competed in sports to celebrate an African-American president’s first anniversary.
“Indians have dark hair. To make it light or blonde is hard work. We don’t like clients with henna... It makes your hair brittle, flat and dirty...”
200 Muslim families of two UP villages make the kalainara, the holy thread of Hindus.
“It is the street peddlers who are the real menace. They start by giving students small measures of drugs to get them addicted.”