

Forever Manto

What is it that makes him an enduring literary icon of compassion and empathy?

Sony Walkman NW-ZX100HN

This music player delivers excellent sound in a small package

The Gospel According to Poddar

The amazing story of a man and his publishing house that reshaped Hindu nationalism

LG 4K Ultra HD OLED TV 65”

For those who’ll pay big money for lifelike viewing, a top-class TV set

The Master and His Magnifying Glass

This 1930s chronicle of a lower middle class youth brings out the genius of novelist and playwright Upendranath Ashk, known as the Proust of Hindi literature

All’s Fair in War and Peace

An ambitious historical novel takes on the 20th century’s two great wars, with some hiccups

Late Harvest

A pioneering Dalit autobiography that offers a remarkable narrative on the many aspects of truth

Alpha 7R II

Loaded with features, this is Sony’s new flagship full-frame mirrorless camera

OnePlus 2

Instead of a fresh look, this new version comes with faster software and fingerprint sensors

The Raj Retold

The writings of John Lang, who recorded the unexpected and the absurd of British India


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